Proud to announce the addition of two more game development teams to Mind|over|Matter Sound’s partners!
First up, Inhuman…
Shadow Demon Entertainment has included me into their development of a new sci-fi game called “Inhuman,” built on UDK, and set for a March 2013 Demo release. I’ll be leading the Audio dept. in creation of SFX, Ambiance, organizing Asset Lists, and implementing into UDK. Who knows, maybe even some composing.
Secondly, Serving Aces Zombie Hunt:
a yet-untitled group (but most likely will become “Lightbulb Gaming”) consisting of recent grads across all convictions within the gaming development bubble. The game is titled “Serving Aces Zombie Hunt,” thoroughly designed within Unity engine, and set to be released as an Android OS downloadable app. I’ll be providing compositions mostly, organizing the other Audio members, maybe helping with Sound Design as well. Check back here for updates!
New Sounds and Tracks will be uploaded to Soundcloud too, of course. In the Game Audio setlist in fact, there are already a few:
[soundcloud id=’2167889′ playerType=’Standard’ format=’set’]