Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Recorded at Fantasy Studios
What the heck did I have to do with Sony Computer Entertainment America’s upcoming release, you ask? Let me tell you.
Back in a lesser known period of time I used to work at Fantasy Studios, in Berkeley, CA. Well, Sony Computer Entertainment America(SCEA)’s audio production team paid us a few visits in which they needed fresh Foley sounds for their characters for their game in development, working titled: “Sly.”
I’m proud to have figured it all out; now “Sly” has become “Sly Cooper Thieves in Time,” and will be released 02/05/2013! Awesome! My first (albeit unofficial) game audio credit!
Back in Oct/Nov of 2011, Studio D of Fantasy still had carpet. The same carpet from the 80’s when the studio was built, and my, it was a hassle to cover, clean and maintain… especially for a Foley Session! We had 4 portable foley pits, each sealed with concrete and holding different surfaces for recording footsteps, falls and impacts on metal grating, creaky hardwood, cement, and a hollow pit with which to fill with any sort of dirt surface. We ended up using all of them, filling the hollow with dirt, clay, and sand (the worst of all the elements in a Foley session) to record all 3, and utilizing a small pool in the string room (I don’t have a picture of it, unfortunately), to get some splashes and movement through water as well.
Below are the only pictures I have from the session, featuring the four foley pits, U87’s, Monitors for Patty (the sweetest lady in the building, and a very dedicated foley artist) to see animations of characters movements in order to nail timing, and a ton of stuff on a table to make sounds with.
Cool right? Congratulations to Sony and the development team on completion! For anything further about the game jump on over to their site:
They’ve actually got a demo up on PS Network I’m gonna be checking out later to see how these sounds turned out. Oh, and as always, don’t forget to like/tweet/etc.
– AC