Gospel Bluegrass Album in the works…

Yep I typed that right. Gospel Bluegrass Christmas Album, out mid-Nov. 2014 I am, as of this moment 13 of the 14 songs in to mixing and editing a soon to be pressed and relased Chrismas album for Flower Mound’s Cross Timbers Bluegrass Band.  Yep.  Bluegrass Christmas songs.  It’s been a blast!  We recorded in …

I’m featured in EFG Member’s Edition!

EFG Member’s Edition Featured Profile

I’m featured in the 2013 Member’s Edition of EFG Webzine!
Been waiting for this sucker to be released for a long time… pretty stoked.

Check it out here: http://issuu.com/efgmagazine/docs/memberedition2013_hrv3/20

No worries, btw.  It’ll open in a new window!  As always, thanks for stopping in and checking this stuff out!


Many Blessings,
