The | Long | Overdue Update
First off…
Sorry it’s been awhile. Like, a year. I blame the allergies.
I’ve got stuff though! Check it out:
1. The SDE game dev is still going on, we’ve even got a new project in the works for tablet/mobile, of which I’ve got some sneaks at the music for the title sequence and demo opening level. I’ll have that all up in next couple of days.
2. Also, I’m finally uploading some videos from Inhuman! I know, I know. It’s about stinkin’ time. The game is in a bit of a standstill while the programmers straighten out some bugs, but at least I can show a TINY glimpse into all my hard work in the audio realm.
3. Last of all, I’m updating a lot of my site. From the overall looks, to functionality, organization, etc. I’ll be bringing in some links to other projects out in the webspaces that have been floating around for awhile…so, you’re welcome!
All to be updated soon on my Soundcloud and
Vimeo pages, of which I will also update in posts right here, so that they may shine in their own glorious light!
So yep, that’s it. Unless you want a pic of the beard… I expect you do. Prove it!
AC out.